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Programme d'entraînement TRX Total Body 1 Alpha de 20 jours

Programme d'entraînement TRX Total Body 1 Alpha de 20 jours

We’re back and better than ever with TRX Total Body Version 2.1! We've added 7 brand-new sessions to the original 40, making a total of 47 killer workouts, each just 40 minutes long. Perfect for leveling up your fitness and strength!



How long will I have access to the TRX Quick Strike Program?

For as long as you like with no recurring cost after.

How can I view the videos in the program?

Videos are streamed from YouTube so you will be able to watch them and stream from your various devices just as you would our free content on Youtube.


Are there ads on the videos?

There are No Mid Roll Ads on any of the videos in the program! See all videos uninterrupted by ads!

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